Product Licenses

All our premium products (items available on the Marketplace free and paid) come with product updates and support, if not otherwise stated by the author. A premium product purchase includes a single license and immediate access to all new version updates and features released to your product until the license expiry. If the license is expired you can not use the product before you renew the license (Items can not be used with an expired license).

When you buy a product, you buy a license.

  • The license renews automatically using a subscription model and you can cancel the subscription at any time.

  • If the subscription is canceled you can still continue using the item and all its features as long as the license is active.

  • The license is validated using the product key.

  • The support and updates are only provided to items where the license is valid.

  • If you want to get updates and support after the license period, you can renew the product license.

This model is the best way we can provide world-class support, maintain the marketplace, and add requested features and enhancements to the marketplace and products.

Please read the Terms of Marketplace and Terms of Service for a better understanding of our product licensing.

Last updated